FYI (Note: The origin of this information may be internal or external to Novell. Novell makes every effort within its means to verify this information. However, the information provided in this document is FOR YOUR INFORMATION only. Novell makes no explicit or implied claims to the validity of this information.) TITLE: Auxiliary NetWare Lite Files DOCUMENT ID#: FYI.P.6028 DATE: 01OCT92 PRODUCT: NetWare Lite PRODUCT VERSION: All versions SUPERSEDES: NA LITE FAX DOC #: 2901 SYMPTOM NA ISSUE/PROBLEM Auxiliary NetWare Lite Files Included with NetWare Lite are four extra programs that are not documented. These files are not needed for NetWare Lite to run but add fun and functionality. They are: DEDICATE.COM, DEMO.EXE, NETBIOS.EXE, and NLSNIPES.EXE. DEDICATE.COM -- DEDICATE is a little program that can be run on a server to improve performance. It is a useful program to be run on NetWare Lite machines that are acting as dedicated servers or if a machine is a server/client and the client is not going to be active for a while. To run DEDICATE, type DEDICATE when in the C:\NWLITE subdirectory on the machine running SERVER.EXE. DEMO.EXE -- DEMO is a networking demonstration program that shows how workstations can communicate using shared file access. When run, a worm is shown moving around on the screens of the workstations running DEMO.EXE. As the worm covers each screen, eventually the word "LITE" is shown. To run DEMO, change to the same directory on the same server on each machine that will be running DEMO. With DEMO.EXE in your PATH, type DEMO and press on each workstation. DEMO works best if run in a Left-to-Right fashion. That is, starting on the leftmost workstation, run DEMO.EXE and move right running DEMO on each machine. The screens are connected, starting left and moving right, in the order that DEMO was started. Once running, you can drive your worm using the arrow key. DEMO will only support nine workstations running simultaneously. NETBIOS.EXE -- This is the NetBIOS that is included with regular NetWare. It can be loaded any time after IPXODI is loaded. Some applications require the presence of NetBIOS. For this reason, NetBIOS is provided with NetWare Lite. For more documentation on NETBIOS.EXE, contact the nearest Novell Authorized Reseller. NLSNIPES.EXE -- NLSNIPES is a game. One to five users can play at a time. Everyone who wants to play NLSNIPES must map a drive to the same Network directory on the same server. To run, type NLSNIPES. You will then be asked for two initials; this uniquely identifies your "man" as you play. The first person to run NLSNIPES is the "starter." As people run NLSNIPES and enter their initials, they will see the initials of the other players that are entering the game. Once the desired group is ready, the "starter" will press to begin. Move your "man" through the maze killing snipes, generators, and other "men." For instructions on how to move and shoot, type "NLSNIPES /H" at the command-line. SOLUTION NA